Help with Public Transport Costs
Rail Cards
Concessionary Bus Travel
Unemployed Person's Travel
Support for Young People
There are quite a number of schemes available to save money on public transport, sometimes making public transport free. Certain groups of people are entitled to help, the schemes and eligible groups are listed below.
For information on the Blue Badge scheme, please visit our Blue Badge Scheme web page.
Rail Cards
There are a number of rail card schemes offering a range of discounts for different ages and groups of people.
Concessionary Bus Travel
This scheme is run by local Travel Concession Authorities (TCA's) and can include additional concessions on top of the statutory scheme. It covers older persons at state pension age and disabled persons.
Most TCA's offer additional concessions to the statutory schemes, you will need to check in your local area.
You can apply here.
Unemployed Person's Travel
Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card
This is provided to unemployed persons claiming Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit for 3-9 months (18-24 year olds) or 3-12 months (over 25s). Other benefit claimants may receive a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card from 3 months of their claim and if they are actively engaged with a Jobcentre Plus adviser. Cardholders are entitled to a 50% discount on selected rail tickets.
Flexible support fund
This is available at the discretion of Jobcentre Plus staff to help with the cost of travelling to an interview, training or for the first months of travelling to work.
Support for Young People
Local authorities offer a range of travel support for young people, including:
Home to School Transport
Local authorities provide home to school free transport to and from school. At a minimum this covers pupils travelling more than 2 miles (for those under 8 years of age), pupils travelling more than 3 miles (for those aged 8 or over) and those unable to walk to school due to their Special Educational Needs.
Extended Rights to Free Home to School Transport
There is an additional entitlement to free travel for children from low income families (those entitled to free school meals or whose parents receive the maximum working tax credit).
Care to Learn
Care to Learn provides support with the cost of childcare and associated travel costs to ensure these do not prevent young parents (under the age of 20) from participating in education.
16-19 bursary
The 16-19 bursary provides support for those aged 16-19 participating in education or training who face additional barriers to staying in education. The most vulnerable young people may be entitled to a bursary of at least £1,200 per year while discretionary bursaries are provided at the discretion of education providers.
Discretionary learner support
Those aged 19 or over and facing financial hardship could be eligible for discretionary learner support through the discretionary learner fund. This includes support for the cost of travel (e.g. through the provision of travel passes or reimbursing the cost of fuel).