Companies House Filing
Register for online filing
What needs to be filed?
Annual Confirmation Statement
File a confirmation statement
Companies House requires limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to file certain documents as part of their legal obligations.
You can either register online to file electronically or use the paper filing forms to send by post. You must give enough time to register for online filing as there is a an authentication process to follow. There are filing deadlines that must be adhered to so it's important to know how you are going to file documents.
Some document filing requires a fee to be paid, you can check these here.
If you don't file company documents on time, failure to do so can result in fines and penalties.
Register for online filing
To register for online filing at Companies House in the UK, you will need to follow these steps:
Go to the Companies House website: Visit the Companies House website at
Create a Government Gateway account: In order to file documents online, you will need to create a Government Gateway account. This account will allow you to access a range of government services online, including filing documents with Companies House.
Register as a Company Officer: Once you have created your Government Gateway account, you will need to register as a Company Officer. This will give you the ability to file documents and manage your company's records on behalf of your business.
Link your Company Officer account to your company: You will need to link your Company Officer account to your company by providing the company number and confirmation code, which can be found on your company's registration documents.
Verify your identity: You will need to verify your identity in order to use the online filing service. You can do this by providing your passport or driving license details, or by using the replacement to the GOV.UK Verify service.
Start filing: Once your identity has been verified, you will be able to start filing documents with Companies House online. This includes filing your annual accounts, confirmation statements, and other important company information.
If you have any questions or need assistance with registering for online filing at Companies House, you can contact the Companies House customer service team for help.
What needs to be filed?
The following is a list of some of the most common documents that must be filed at Companies House:
Confirmation statement: A confirmation statement must be filed annually and confirms that the information held at Companies House is correct and up-to-date.
Annual accounts: Limited companies must file annual accounts, which include a balance sheet, profit and loss account, and notes to the accounts.
Director's Report: Limited companies must also file a Director's Report, which provides an overview of the company's performance and future prospects.
Appointments and resignations of directors: Companies must file a form within 14 days of the appointment or resignation of a director.
Changes to registered office address: Companies must file a form to notify Companies House of any change to the registered office address.
Changes to share capital: Companies must file a form to notify Companies House of any changes to the share capital, such as an increase or decrease in the number of shares issued.
Mortgage or charge details: If a company has taken out a mortgage or charge, it must file details of these with Companies House.
Dissolution: If a company is being dissolved, it must file a notice of dissolution with Companies House.
Annual Confirmation Statement
A confirmation statement is a formal declaration that a company's details held at Companies House are correct and up-to-date. All limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are required to file a confirmation statement annually with Companies House.
The confirmation statement replaces the annual return as the primary method of updating Companies House with changes to a company's information, such as changes to directors, registered office address, and share capital. The confirmation statement must be filed at least once every 12 months and within 14 days of the anniversary of the company's incorporation.
In addition to confirming that the information held at Companies House is correct, the confirmation statement also acts as a check on the company's compliance with company law. Failing to file a confirmation statement can result in fines and penalties.
It's important to keep the information held at Companies House up-to-date, as this information is publicly accessible and can affect the company's reputation and credibility.
File a confirmation statement
To file your confirmation statement, you can follow these steps:
Gather the necessary information: You will need to have the following information ready before you can file your confirmation statement:
Your company's registration number
Your authentication code (sent to you by Companies House)
Details of any changes to your company's information, such as changes to directors, registered office address, and share capital.
Go to the Companies House website: You can file your confirmation statement online via the Companies House website (
Log in to your account: If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account with Companies House.
Start a new confirmation statement: Once you have logged in, you can start a new confirmation statement by clicking the "File a Confirmation Statement" link.
Enter your company details: You will need to enter your company's registration number and authentication code, as well as any changes to your company's information.
Review and submit: Once you have entered all of the required information, you should review your confirmation statement to ensure that it is correct. If everything is correct, you can submit your confirmation statement by clicking the "Submit" button.
Pay the fee: A fee of £13 must be paid to Companies House in order to file your confirmation statement. This fee can be paid online using a debit or credit card.