Overpayment of Benefits



If you do not report changes to your circumstances while claiming benefits to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), or in some cases your local authority, you may end up with an overpaid benefit.

Benefit overpayments are usually a priority debt because the DWP can take recovery actions that reduces your current and future benefit income. In addition,  overpayment of council tax reduction is treated as council tax arrears which have broader and harsher recovery methods.

Deductions from Benefit

Most overpayments of benefits can be taken directly from your current benefit claims. If you have an overpayment debt with no arrangement in place, it is likely that this will start when you make any new claims.

UC Deduction rates

Overpayments are repaid at these rates:

Fraud deduction rates

If a claimant has intentionally provided DWP with incorrect information (fraud) overpayments are repaid by deducting up to 30% of the Universal Credit standard allowance.

Other Benefits

There is a maximum rate of deduction from:

The maximum deduction from these benefits is £12.75 a week or £34.00 a week where the overpayment was due to fraud or you have agreed to a civil penalty.

Deductions from Wages

An attachment of earnings order can be applied for to recover overpayments of benefits. It instructs your employer to take money directly from your wages to pay back a debt. 

Your employer sends the money to the court that made the order, and they then forward the money to the government department you owe the money to.

County Court Enforcement

The DWP and HMRC can order in the County Court which lets them use county court enforcement, such as using bailiffs to try and take your goods or a charging order to secure the debt against property you own. 

This could put your property at risk. A charging order cannot be made against a property that you rent.

Housing Benefit Overpayment

Housing benefit overpayments have some additional recovery actions:

Deduction rates

The maximum deduction is:

The total deduction can then be increased by up to 50% of:

It is usually possible for a claimant with weekly deductions that cause financial hardship, to negotiate a lower rate of deductions.

Tax Credits Overpayment

If you still get tax credits

HMRC will automatically reduce your future tax credit payments until you have paid back the money you owe.

The amount they will reduce your tax credit payments by usually depends on how much you currently get and your household income.


If you only get the family element of Child Tax Credit, your payments will be reduced by 100% whatever your income is.

If you now claim Universal Credit

If you claimed tax credits as a couple the debt will be split in half between you. Each of you will receive a letter with details of your half of the debt. You must each pay your half.

When a claimant dies

An overpayment could have happened because, for example, the person who died:

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) can recover benefit overpayments from a person’s estate.

If you are dealing with the estate, DWP will write to you once probate has been granted to ask for the information they need.

The estate should not be distributed until you know what needs to be repaid. If you do, you may have to pay back the money yourself.

Benefit Fraud

If you deliberately do not report a change of circumstances, your overpaid benefit might be considered as benefit fraud. If a benefit overpayment is subject to fraud, it cannot be written off in a formal debt solution, it has to be repaid.

It is important that you tell your debt adviser whether debts have occurred through fraud as repayments will need to be negotiated as a priority before you proceed with a debt solution.

If you have been interviewed under caution, this might mean you are going to be prosecuted, but this will depend on the interview outcome, you will be notified of the decision in writing.

Exceptional Hardship

Universal Credit 

Lowering Repayments

If the deductions from your UC claim are causing exceptional hardship, you can request that they be lowered.

You can request lower overpayment deductions by contacting the debt management unit, make sure that you have your latest budget to hand before calling: 0800 916 0647.

Writing off Overpayments

The DWP can agree to write off the overpayment. However, this will usually only be done in exceptional circumstances where recovery action will result in severe welfare issues for you or your family. The DWP will also look into the circumstances of the overpayment.

To request a write off, you will need to provide the following:

Tax Credits

If the above recovery rates are too high and causing you hardship, you can ask for them to be lowered on grounds of exceptional hardship, you can do this through your government gateway account (quickest), or call the Tax Credit helpline: 0345 300 3900.

Writing off Overpayments

HMRC can agree to write off the overpayment. However, this will usually only be done in exceptional circumstances where recovery action will result in severe welfare issues for you or your family. HMRC will also look into the circumstances of the overpayment.

To request a write off, you will need to provide the following: