Debt Club Toolkit
Who is the Toolkit for?
Download the Toolkit
Welcome to the Debt Club toolkit. Debt Club is an open access resource with no membership requirement & it's completely free. Designed to provide friends, family, partners, colleagues & neighbours resources to help people they might know who are struggling with debt problems.
We've developed some helpful fact sheets & the 10 Rules of Debt Club to create an easy access toolkit.
In 2016, the Money Advice Service published research on the UK indebted population. Their study showed that 1 in 6 adults in the UK was at risk of crisis debt, yet only 20% seek help. In July 2017, the Money Advice Service issued a press release to encourage friends & family to look out for signs and symptoms of debt.
We thought this was a great campaign & wanted to build on the concept by creating this toolkit.
Who is the Toolkit for?
Don't worry, you do not need to have been in debt, or even need to be a debt expert to help. The aim of the toolkit is to help you recognise tell-tale signs of people with problem debt, and take a sensitive, but proactive approach to helping them.
Download the Toolkit
You can navigate the Debt Club Toolkit below, or download the full Debt Club Resources from our shared Google Drive Folder.
If you don't have a Google account, click the link, then just go to the top right hand corner & select download, a zip file will download for you.
The #1st rule of Debt Club: You must talk about Debt Club!
The #2nd rule of Debt Club: You must talk about Debt Club (Debt is not a dirty word!)
The #3rd rule of Debt Club: Make yourself familiar with the common signs of problem Debt, use our checklist.
The #4th rule of Debt Club: Be non-judgemental. You may be the 1st person they've opened up to, make it a positive experience.
The #5th rule of Debt Club: Start a conversation to confirm that Debt is the problem.
The #6th rule of Debt Club: Make yourself familiar with reassuring facts & figures; lots of people struggle with crisis Debt.
The #7th rule of Debt Club: Don't ask too much detail, this can be off-putting, & don't offer any financial help until you've read our Fact Sheet 5 - Helping someone in debt.
The #8th rule of Debt Club: Reassure them that they can always get confidential, non-judgemental free debt advice, & there's always a way out of problem debt.
The #9th rule of Debt Club: Are you ready for Debt Club? Take the quiz!
The #10th rule of Debt Club: When you're ready for Debt Club, & you know that debt is the problem - send them our invitation!