Debt Advice Process



The debt advice process is a fluid process if a client presents an emergency, or requires more immediate support. 

Below, we have broken down the stages & steps involved as a helpful guide.

Please also watch the explainer video published on YouTube.

Stage 1: Exploration 

Stage 1: Exploration 

Gather important information

Step 1: Personal Details

Step 2: Debt Background 

Step 3: Status of Debts

Step 4: Individual Goals

Stage 2: Financial Information 

Stage 2: Financial Information 

Verify the financial position & affordability

Step 5: Assets & Liabilities

Step 6: Budgeting

Step 7: Income Maximisation

Step 8: Individual goals

Stage 3: Debt Advice Options

Stage 3: Debt Advice Options

Identify & advise appropriate options

Step 9: Emergencies

Step 10: Financial Help

Step 11: Breathing Space

Step 12: Debt Options

Stage 4: Future-proofing

Stage 4: Future-proofing

Check sustainability & confirm accountability

Step 17: Changes in circumstance

Step 18: Bank account

Step 19: Effect on credit score

Step 20: Borrowing & Savings

Stage 5: Debt Strategy

Stage 5: Debt Strategy

Agree a strategy & next steps

Step 17: Client actions

Step 18: Adviser actions

Step 19: Time limits & next steps

Step 20: Confirmation of Advice