Discretionary Housing Payment



If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit you might be able to apply  for Discretionary Housing Payment to help with your housing costs. 

The payment is made at the discretion of your local authority if you do not receive enough existing benefit to cover your rent. 

Common reasons for applying are to offset the following:

There are no time limits apart from when the scheme began, but you have to give exceptional reasons to backdate for a long period.

Can I apply for DHP?

Your local authority may give you a Discretionary Housing Payment under the following circumstances:

A Discretionary Housing Payment will not be given in these situations:

The funding the local authorities receive from the government for Discretionary Housing Payments have increased to help those affected by the Benefit Cap and other Housing Benefit changes. In particular the following groups of people:

Your local authority will make a discretionary decision and will have to prioritise those  decisions as they cannot help everyone. Once the local authority has spent its budget (provided by the Government) it cannot make any further awards during that financial year. 

How much DHP will I receive?

The decision on whether to award, how much and for how long, is made by your local authority. They will also decide how to treat any income or other resources you may have. The amount you are awarded could cover all or part of your shortfall in rent or the costs of taking up a tenancy.

How to make a claim

 Speak to your local authority about how to make a claim or visit their website. They may accept claims in writing, over the telephone or online. You will usually need to provide your national insurance number and/or your housing benefit claim number. if you claim housing benefit.

What documents will I need?

Each local authority will have its own claim form but the following documents will usually be needed  to support your claim:

Your spending is checked by the local authority to make sure that you are only spending on essential living costs. You may be refused DHP if your expenses are considered to be excessive or for non essential items. You may also be refused if it is obvious that you have an expensive addiction, such as gambling or alcoholism.

How are payments made?

A Discretionary Housing Payment could be made to you or direct to your landlord. The payment could be a one-off, temporary period or an indefinite award. Your local authority will also decide whether to backdate or not and if so for how long.

Does DHP affect other Benefits?

A Discretionary Housing Payment will not count as income or capital when calculating your entitlement to means-tested benefits or Tax Credits.

Change of Circumstances

Your local authority will inform you of the changes in circumstances that you are required to report to them.

Dealing with a refusal

The local authority will provide reasons for a DHP application refusal by letter, you will then have one month to ask for the decision to be revised. If you choose to ask for a revision, it is important to address the reasons stated for refusal. It is possible to have a DHP refusal overturned. There is no further right to challenge the local authority’s decision once a revision request has been refused.

If you are not successful, you can apply again at the start of the next financial year, providing you are still entitled to housing benefit or the housing costs element of universal credit.

Further Help

If you require further advice or assistance on making a Discretionary Housing Payment claim, you should contact your nearest local advice agency.

You can also read the local authority guidelines for detailed information on how applications are assessed. You can also refer to the Discretionary Housing Payments guidance manual.