Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)



You can get £116.75 per week Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if unable to work due to illness. SSP is paid by your employer for up to 28 weeks. You must be eligible for SSP, see below.

You must be paid no less than the statutory amount. You can get more if your company has a contractual sick pay scheme (or ‘occupational scheme’) - check your employment contract.


To qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) you must:

Statutory annual leave is accrued while an employee is off work sick (no matter how long they’re off) and can be taken during sick leave.

Casual, short-term and zero hour contracts

Individuals who are classed as employees for the purposes of SSP and are on casual, short-term or zero-hours contracts are eligible for SSP as long as they meet the same qualifying criteria.

Self-employed agency workers

Self-employed individuals, including self-employed agency workers, are not eligible for SSP.

For other different types of employment, please visit the UK Government website,.


Employees do not qualify for SSP if they:

What will you get?

The weekly rate for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is £99.35 for up to 28 weeks. It is paid:

How are you paid?

If you think you are not getting the right amount of SSP, talk to your employer. If you’re still not happy, contact the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) enquiry line.

What if I am not entitled?

If you find that you are not eligible for SSP,  you might be entitled to Universal Credit or Employment Support Allowance and other benefits. 

Free online benefit calculators are available to check what you might be entitled to.